Grief Counseling

The Grief Recovery Support Groups are currently full

The powerful Grief Recovery Support Group is offered twice per year, in March and again in September. We will meet on Sundays for 8 consecutive weeks from 7:00-8:30pm. An 8-week commitment is required and space is limited to ensure a safe and powerful experience. 

Participants will experience sensitive, gentle, and supportive caring in an environment of safety and confidentiality, develop an understanding of the grieving process, be given the opportunity to speak freely and openly as much as one chooses, and learn effective ways to release pain to engage in life again.

There are more than 40 events that can create the range of human emotions called grief. Whether the loss was recent or long ago, it may still be limiting your ability to participate fully in life. There isn't anyone in life who hasn't experienced some kind of loss. It is comforting to know we are not alone in our sadness. Grief counseling will offer you a safe, respectful, and nourishing environment so that you can take action - you will look at your beliefs about loss and dealing with loss, you will learn about losses that have affected your life, and you will take new actions that will lead you to completion of the pain attached to those losses. Feelings of grief and loss are not always associated with death, however, but commonly surface after a loss of some kind – whether it is the loss of a loved one, a severed relationship, a pregnancy, a pet, or a job.

When a person loses something or someone valuable to them, feelings of grief can be overbearing. Grief can leave a person feeling sad, hopeless, isolated, irritable, and numb by affecting them mentally, emotionally, and physically. It’s important to understand that healing from grief is a process and everyone copes with this emotion differently.

Life is too long to live in emotional pain. The time for action is now.

Loss of a loved one. Loss of a serious relationship. Loss of a pet. Loss of trust. Loss of a friend. Loss of a parent. Divorce. Health issues. Unresolved grief can drain our energy, it can close down our hearts, and it can cause us to isolate ourselves from our family and friends. Grief recovery is an educational, emotional, and powerful experience, where you will learn effective tools for coping with grief.

Do you feel under-prepared to handle the emotion caused by grief? Grief is an emotion many people feel unprepared for. You may see changes in your behavior after you have experienced a loss. Grief recovery can help you and your family members complete and heal from the relationship to the pain, isolation, and loneliness caused by loss.

Do you feel alone? Grief support and recovery are aimed at helping people discover and complete the unfinished emotional business that fuels isolation. If you or your loved one has experienced loss, and wish to move beyond the pain, this program offers you the probability of a richer and more rewarding life.

Sara Collins is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Salt Lake City, Utah. The grief support and recovery program is affiliated with and endorsed by the Grief Recovery Institute.

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